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fot. Petr Riedl FOTO |
The thing I like about Austerlitz
reenactment is it`s place and time: dark, gloomy December, field covered
with mud and mist over the Pratzen plateau which seems to lead us,
reenactors 200 years back in time...
As soon as I entered
the place we stayed, I had to end sewing my ball gown. There was so
little time to do this but I also met so many friends there and it was
so cheerful, I almost forgot about the dress! During our way to
the castle it was too dark to sew, so I just gave it up and had it
undone. Fortunately the ball also appeared to start later so we (me and
my friend Mery, with whom we both started this insane napoleonic
adventure in Waterloo 200) had some extra time to build up our ball
appearances from zero... to (empire) hero xD To speak the truth, it
wasn`t my best look but nevermind - we managed to get dressed on time
and skip into dances. On that most beautiful, impressive ballroom (I
love it, really!) I met so many of my Czech friends, I almost regreted
there wasn`t enough time to talk with everyone a bit longer. Although I
love to dance, I danced only 3 times - partly because of my train, and
partly because there was almost no soldiers! From the one who was at the
ball we got to know that many of them drink in tavern so we decided to
go there and find my favourite czech voltigeurs. But going there we got
lost in the maze of saloons and so we ended our ball talking with
cavalry officers and gentlemen.
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fot. Evren Petrik |
It was time to go. The clock on
the tower showed 11 pm and all the guests started to leave. And so did
we. But, travelling there with our kind soldiers, we didn`t have any clear
plans of the way back ;) So we did what would every camp follower in
1805 do: went to the fireplace and asked some soldiers for help (in fact
we just wanted a taxi but none of us speaks czech). As the night fell
darker, the town started to get empty. One of the last places opened was
an inn I stayed in August. We entered and noticed a gentleman from the
ball with few soldiers there. They helped us and so we managed to get
to our place. Almost all of the polish infantry soldiers were already sleeping before the battle,
so I just did the same: laid my pillow on the rifles, then my head on that pillow and
followed my friends in sleep.
The next day - the day of the
battle started with an early march to the battlefield. The weather was
soft and nice (what we wouldn`t say about the muddy ground): pale,
December`s light danced between dark, empty branches of friut trees. We
were joking all the way and I gave the soldiers my napoleonic era recipe
(soon on the blog!) cakes I baked for them at home. As the infantry
entered the battlefield for their exercises, I enjoyed the walk with one
of the vivandieres. We decided to go up the Santon hill to the chapel,
which sits on top. Although it was my 4th Austerlitz (2nd as a
reenactor), I have never been there so I was really amazed with the view
from the top. Soldiers looked like some tiny toys moving into the shapes
of squares and lines. We heard all the commands so clearly!
the exercises were getting long, we went to Tvarozna village that
isn`t far from the battlefield, to watch the bivouacs and make some
historical shopping there. Soon after I bought myself tiny tin soldier,
we heard some horses and noticed Napoleon himself with a stab moving to a
battlefield. He stopped and made a sign for me to walk up. I approached, he kissed my hand (omg) and we talked for a while. It was so
nice he remembered out meeting in Jena!
After some time in
Tvarozna, the battle finally started. I sat down on the top of a straw heap and watched the battle, drinking a hot coffee mixed with medovina
(hot, spicy alcohol honey) which kept me warm and alive. I couldn`t
see my infantry friends well but few times some cavalry actions happened
just before my eyes. I noticed the 2 number on their mantelsacks and
realised there were also my friends from 2nd Lancers there! Just after
the battle ended, I run to Tvarozna hoping the tiny horses on horizon, wchich I believed are my friends`
move there. On the path, beneath so many people and tired soldiers -
all moving to the village I found my friend - the Soldiering Mery,
exhausted after the battle. We both decided to go to the village because
of commander`s advice to take some transport to our accomodation there.
We didn`t find a transport but we found our friends from
french 33 regiment. They were talking about the place they are going to - the Old
Post. And they promised me there is everything - lost lancer regiment,
Napoleon, great place with fireplaces and tavern and of course they are
getting there. We just needed to go up the hill with a church, then ca.
7 kilometers by the cabbage field OR make our driver to change his
course. I felt much encouraged with that place! But as we achieved destination we realised driver did not change the course - we are just near our accomodation, further
away from the Old Post. With Mery we left sad soldiers in
that place and tried to go to the place we stayed. I was running up the hills
to look how much way is before us and so soon we arrived. Mery
was too exhausted to go on but I had enough strength to do some more things and,
of course I was madly curious about the Old Post! Our soldiers who were
going to Slavkov to watch fireworsk agreed to take me to this mystery
place, even if no map showed it...
Soon we stopped by the
tavern named the Old Post. From the outside it looked empty and closed and just
in the moment I thought I can go to Slavkov as well, it opened and
showed it`s 19th century inner. I found there my voltigeurs lost at the
ball! And I wanted to search for lancers but the uhlans commander
appeared, stopped me and asked with whom I am here. I tried to speak but of course
I don`t know czech so it was just a silly mumble. Then, sudddenly
the door opened and lancers` lieutenant went out, leant at the door
and just watched my awkward moment with smile. We both exchanged few
words and I entered the tavern. Supprisingly there were no lancers
there but uhlans invited me to their table. I felt extremely shy while
they offered me so many dishes and sweet treats. I had to refuse them one by one
minding the sad cotent of my purse. They treated me like their guest, of
course but I didn`t want to overuse their hospitality as I was, in fact
a stranger lady who doesn`t speak czech and so can not speak her mind.
The alcohol brought to the table stopped my moment of awkwardness.
Everyone got two glasses - one with a dark rum and the other with kefir.
They explained me it is called hulanskij spuk and it`s their original
ceremony. After a speech of the commander they climbed onto a chairs
and put one foot on the table. After command they drank rum from the first
glass, then kefir from the second. In the last step they put tiny glass to a bigger one and sat down
talking as a while ago. The commander tried to explain me what happens
when the lady drinks 3 spuks but I couldn`t understand.
one of the sabers which were sticked in one of the bars on the ceiling fell
down with a huge noise. They put it up and in that moment a second spuk
appeared. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a musician from the lancers. "Help!" I whispered "They want to make me drunk!", "So do we, miss" - he laughed and
went further his way. The uhlans commander just ended a speech, they all climbed chairs again, with one foot on the table. "Hulanskij spuk -
drink" - sounded the comand. They drunk rum and so did I. "Hulanskij spuk -
drink down" - even if the kefir helps for that hot burning rum, little miss Marta felt dizzy enough for this night.
"And put the glasses down" - I didn`t even want to know what
would happen if they brought third spuk! But in that moment the whole
lancers regiment finally appeared. They noticed me but I was still a guest of
uhlans so I just asked their commander, if I can go to my friends. He
thanked me to be their guest, which was very kind of him and, as I
noticed undrunk half of my spuk I drank their health and went to my
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fot. Petr Riedl FOTO |
Soon lost french 33 soldiers appeared and before I
realised how they managed to get there we all moved upstairs to get the
bigger table. There was Napoleon there. We exchanged bows but I stayed
with my friends as he was sourrounded with his stab. I spent the rest of
the evening with a nice company of lancers and infantry and soon before
the night my friends came to pick me up to our accomodation.
The next day was spent on the journey home and collecting memories of the fairytale Austerlitz 1805.
The next day was spent on the journey home and collecting memories of the fairytale Austerlitz 1805.
Jak zawsze wyglądałaś przepięknie i bardzo autentycznie. Twoja delikatna uroda świetnie pasuje do strojów z początku XIX wieku! Pozdrawiam
OdpowiedzUsuńDziękuję! Cieszę się, bo to w końcu jedna z moich dwóch ulubionych epok :)
UsuńNie sądziłam, że kiedyś to komuś powiem - do twarzy Ci z armatą :D
OdpowiedzUsuńCzy sama piszesz/tłumaczysz wpisy, ktoś zaprzyjaźniony czy zatrudniasz na etat? :D
He he, dzięki! :D
UsuńSama, ale tłumaczenie całego wpisu zajmuje mi ok. 2-3 godzin, więc robiłam to dotąd tylko 2 razy... No i wiadomo, są niedoskonałości, ale tego się nie ominie :P
aż wspomniałam armatę widzianą sprzed
OdpowiedzUsuń3dekad - szkoda, że nie prezentowałam
się tak uroczo wtedy...
Dlaczego? Myślę, że było równie ładnie :)